
Somerset Medical Malpractice Suit Settles for $2.5 Million

File this under “You Should Always Get A Second Medical Opinion.” Because you never know when a medical doctor is going to give you the wrong information, and the next thing you know, you suffer serious injuries as a result. Sometimes, that “bad medical advice” can lead to death.

Such was the case in 2006, when Eric Dupre, 33 years old, of Fall River experienced chest pains, prompting him to visit a walk-in medical clinic in Somerset. The clinic’s doctor performed an EKG on him, which showed nothing abnormal. He was told to go home and rest. And he died 12 hours later.

His widow Michelle, and their two children, Riley and Zachary, filed a lawsuit alleging that Mr. Dupre’s death was the result of medical negligence by Prima Care, as well as that of the doctor, Dr. James Stubbert, and his physician’s assistant, Amber Mello. Just this week the case settled for $2.5 Million. As part of the settlement, all parties involved promised to not comment on the incident.

As a Boston injury attorney, I see cases like this all the time. I know that many, many people die every year due to Massachusetts medical malpractice. Why? Because doctors and physician’s assistants, nurse practitioners, and nurses, are all human. That means that they make mistakes. And when they make a mistake, it can mean the difference between life and death.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to medical negligence, you need an experienced Dedham/Boston injury lawyer who specializes in Massachusetts medical malpractice. A specialist like this can maximize the chances that you receive financial damages for your injury.

And most important, make sure that you always get a second medical opinion. When it comes to your health, you can never be too careful.