
Articles Posted in Alcohol/Liquor Liability


Reducing Massachusetts Liquor Liability Injuries: When Will Colleges Here Ban Hard Liquor on Campus?

If you’ve ever seen the movie Animal House you know the havoc that is wreaked from too much drinking, and the hazing that tragically still goes today on at many college fraternities around the United States. It’s always been pretty much acknowledged, at least tacitly, that this movie was based…


Avoid Massachusetts Social Host Liability by Having Guests Sign Waivers?

It’s the Holiday Season, and that means house parties, correct? My parents, neighbors and relatives had them each year, and they were always fun, lighthearted events. The only thing most people needed to be really concerned about was whether your oddball relatives would cooperate, or whether the food would be…


Negligent Alcohol Service Results In Settlement Following Man’s Death

Almost everyone knows about the tragedies of drunk driving. What a lot of people don’t know about, is the subject of civil liability that can attach to drunk driving. When people do think of this subject, they commonly think of the damages that a victim of drunk driving might be…


Massachusetts Liquor Liability Laws Finally Provide Better Financial Protection for Victims of Negligent Alcohol Service

Massachusetts just got a lot more sane in the area of dealing with the legalities of liquor liability, particularly with the need for ready compensation to pay for injuries and damages that often follow negligent service of alcohol by a licensed bar or restaurant. These injuries and damages usually result…


Massachusetts Liquor Liability Settlement Illustrates Continuing Problems With Bars Serving Intoxicated Patrons: Part 2 of 2

In my previous post on this topic, I discussed a recent case involving Massachusetts liquor liability, and what that kind of case consists of. Now I’ll explain why a bar or restaurant can be held liable if a patron who becomes intoxicated at that restaurant, later injures someone as a…


Massachusetts Liquor Liability Settlement Illustrates Continuing Problems With Bars Serving Intoxicated Patrons: Part 1 of 2

A recent case settlement in the area of liquor liability, shows that despite improvement in recent years, there are still bars and restaurants that continue to negligently serve alcohol to intoxicated patrons, when they clearly shouldn’t be doing so. This recent case involved serious injuries that two female drivers sustained…