
Be Careful: New Year’s Eve One of Most Dangerous Days of Year for Motor Vehicle Accidents

With the last day of the year upon us, almost everyone and his brother is going out to celebrate New Year’s Eve tonight, and party the night away. If you’re planning on being in a car tonight, I’d think twice about that.

By the numbers, New Year’s Eve is one of the most dangerous nights of the year for drivers to be on the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, December 31st and January 1st have the highest rate of motor vehicle accidents in the entire year. Massachusetts is no exception. The obvious reason? Alcohol. And this is despite the fact that just about every Police Department in Massachusetts, as well as across the country, routinely warns of police roadblocks and checkpoints across the state. In addition, anti-alcohol and safe driving groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving, heavily promote messages against drinking and driving, especially during the holidays.

Despite this, as a Massachusetts car accident lawyer, I can assure you that there will always be people who just don’t listen, and drive after drinking alcohol. The injuries that result can be horrific: Paralysis, burn injuries and even deaths are not uncommon. I see these injuries in my practice as a Boston injury lawyer all the time, and they aren’t pretty.

Use your head: If you’re going to drink tonight – or if anyone with you is going to drink tonight – have a designated driver. If that plan doesn’t work, stay with a friend. If that’s not an option, call a cab or use a car-sharing service like Uber or Lyft. Uber’s website reports that New Year’s Eve is their busiest night of the calendar year and as a result, you’ll have to wait a little while longer for a ride and probably pay than other nights due to a surge in prices. But’s what’s more important to you: Some short money or, potentially, your life? No one should need an incentive to pay for a safe ride tonight, but if you do, Uber is reporting that they will also be donating a portion of each safe ride to Mothers Against Drunk Driving.

Don’t be foolish, be safe. And if you do suffer any injuries from a motor vehicle accident, today or on any day of the year, make sure that you consult with an experienced Massachusetts motor vehicle accident attorney. People injured by drivers’ negligence have the right to receive compensation for their injuries, and the insurance laws in Massachusetts are very complicated.

With that said, enjoy New Year’s Eve. And may we all have health and happiness this coming year.