
Breast Cancer Misdiagnosis Results in $475,000 Settlement

This post is for all women out there who get mammograms – as a Boston injury lawyer, I can’t stress enough that you always need to get second, if not third opinions, to keep yourself safe. Otherwise, you may become a victim of negligence and medical malpractice.

Here’s a case that proves my point. A 46-year-old woman underwent mammograms in February 2006 and later, in February 2007, which were ordered by her primary care physician. Both of the mammograms were reported as normal, although the woman complained of nipple retraction. What’s notable here is what didn’t happen – there were no breast examinations performed in addition to the mammograms. Unbelievable to most people, but true.

Finally, in May 2008, the woman underwent yet another bilateral mammogram. This time it was reported as abnormal. Her right breast was biopsied, with ultrasound revealing that she had invasive ductal carcinoma. The woman underwent a right breast mastectomy in July 2008. She also had to withstand post-operative chemotherapy and further surgical procedures to eradicate her cancer.

The woman alleged delayed diagnosis of breast cancer. After mediation of her breast injury case, it settled for $475,000.

This case just goes to show again that when someone receives a delayed cancer diagnosis, it may be the result of medical negligence. In order to determine whether that is the case or not, consultation is needed with a very experienced Massachusetts medical malpractice law firm.